Editing Save Data

This page is out of date as of v0.95n and will be until someone removes this line ;)

This page is meant to be a resource for those looking to edit the Save File.

Save Structure

The save file is split into twenty-two arrays, which are composed of multiple values. EDIT WITH CAUTION.


The amount of affinity or blood type inside your character, all of them have a 0-100 range. Boob affinity past 100 will make your character grow the next number pair of boobs, spilling back to two if 10 reaches over 100.

# Variable Notes
0 humanAffinity Total amount of human affinity.
1 horseAffinity Total amount of horse affinity.
2 wolfAffinity Total amount of wolf affinity.
3 catAffinity Total amount of cat affinity.
4 cowAffinity Total amount of cow affinity.
5 lizardAffinity Total amount of lizard affinity.
6 rabbitAffinity Total amount of rabbit affinity.
7 fourBoobAffinity Total amount of four boob affinity. 
8 mouseAffinity Total amount of mouse affinity.
9 birdAffinity Total amount of bird affinity.  
10 pigAffinity Total amount of pig affinity.  
11 twoBoobAffinity Total amount of two boob affinity.
12 sixBoobAffinity Total amount of six boob affinity.
13 eightBoobAffinity Total amount of two boob affinity.  
14 tenBoobAffinity Total amount of two boob affinity.
15 cowTaurAffinity Total amount of cow taur affinity.  
16 humanTaurAffinity Total amount of human taur affinity.  
17 skunkAffinity Total amount of skunk affinity.
18 bugAffinity Total amount of bug affinity.


See itemsave


See itemsave


# Variable Notes
0 defeatedMinotaur T/F - If you have defeated the Minotaur
1 defeatedFreakyGirl T/F - If you have defeated the Freaky girl
2 defeatedSuccubus T/F - If you have defeated the Succubus


# Variable Notes
0 cockTotal Total number of cocks. Min. 0
1 humanCocks Indicates cocks of race.
2 horseCocks Indicates cocks of race.
3 wolfCocks Indicates cocks of race.
4 catCocks Indicates cocks of race.
5 rabbitCocks Indicates cocks of race.
6 lizardCocks Indicates cocks of race.
7 cockSize Cock size, by 1/2 inch. Min. 0
8 cockMoist Precum production. Range: 0-12
9 balls Ball Quantity, Min. 0
10 ballSize Ball Size, Min. 0
11 showBalls T/F - can use items to trigger this for other races. Defaults to this for Lizan.
12 knot T/F - True by default for Lupan, or if Affinity for Lupan reaches 40%
13 bugCocks Indicates cocks of race.


# Variable Notes
0 attireTop Click for more info
1 attireBot Click for more info
2 weapon Look for weapon IDs


# Variable Notes
0 Breastsize Breast size (circumference) in inches. Min ?? Max ??
1 Breastnum Number of breasts the player has. Min 0 Max ??
2 Niplength Length of the player's nipples in tenths of an inch. Min ?? Max ??
3 Udder True - false as to whether the player has an udder.
4 Udder Size Size of the udder.
5 Teat Length Teat Length in fifths of an inch.
6 Clit Size Clit size in quarters of an inch.
7 Vagina Count The number of vaginas the players has.
8 Vagsize Vagina depth in inches. Min ?? Max ??
9 Vagmoisture Moisture level of the vagina
10 Vulva Size Size of the vulva
11 nipType Type of nipple Values ??


See itemsave


How many kids of each species you have. Some do not appear to be in-game yet.

# Variable Notes
0 humanChildren How many human children you have.
1 equanChildren How many equan children you have.
2 lupanChildren How many lupan children you have.
3 felinChildren How many felin children you have.
4 cowChildren How many cow children you have.
5 lizanChildren How many human children you have.
6 lizanEggs How many lizan eggs you have.
7 bunnionChildren How many bunnion children you have.
8 wolfPupChildren How many Wolf pups you have.
9 miceChildren How many Mouse children you have.
10 birdEggs How many bird eggs you have.
11 birdChildren How many Bird children you have.
12 pigChildren How many Pig children you have.
13 calfChildren How many calves you have.
14 bugEggs How many bug eggs you have.
15 bugChildren How many bug children you have.
16 skunkChildren How many skunk children you have.
17 minotaurChildren How many children of the minotaur in the dark cave (accessed with lantern) you have.
18 freakyGirlChildren How many children of the freaky girl in the dark cave (accessed with lantern) you have.


# Variable Notes
0 foundSoftlik T/F - If you have found Softlik
1 foundFirmshaft T/F - If you have found Firmshaft
2 foundTienden T/F - If you have found Tienden
3 foundSizCalit T/F - If you have found SizCalit
4 foundOviasis T/F - If you have found Oviasis
5 foundValley T/F - If you have found the Valley
6 foundSanctuary T/F - If you have found Sanctuary


# Variable Notes
0 SexP How much sexP you have. Min 0. Max 100.
1 levelUP Amount of perk levels your have.
2 level Level of the character.
3 babyFactLevel Level of baby factory of the character.
4 bodyBuildLevel Level of body building of the character.
5 hyperHappyLevel Level of hyper happy of the character.
6 AlchemistLevel Level of alchemist of the character.
7 fetishMaster Level of fetish master of the character.
8 milkMaidLevel Level of milk maid of the character.
9 shapeshiftyLevel Level of shapeshifty of the character.
10 shapeshiftyFirst First choice for shapeshifty.
11 shapeshiftySecond Second choice for shapeshifty.


# Variable Notes
0 maleFetish How much your character likes males.
1 femaleFetish How much your character likes females.
2 hermFetish How much your character likes herms.
3 narcissistFetish How much your character likes sex with themselves.
4 dependentFetish How much your character likes sex with others.


# Variable Notes
0 dominantFetish How much your character likes being dominant.
1 submissiveFetish How much your character likes being submissive.
2 lboobFetish How much your character likes large boobs.
3 sboobFetish How much your character likes small boobs.
4 furryFetish How much your character likes fur.
5 scalyFetish How much your character likes scales.
6 smoothyFetish How much your character likes skin.


# Variable Notes
0 pregnancyFetish How much your character likes pregnancy.
1 bestialityFetish How much your character likes bestiality.
2 milkFetish How much your character likes milk.
3 sizeFetish How much your character likes size.
4 unbirthingFetish How much your character likes unbirthing.
5 ovipositionFetish How much your character likes oviposition.
6 toyFetish How much your character likes sex toys.
7 hyperFetish How much your character likes hyper.


# Variable Notes
0 runMod Modifier added by certain clothing.
1 rapeMod Modifier added by certain clothing.
2 cumMod Modifier added by certain clothing.
3 cockSizeMod Modifier added by being Equan (2). Min: 0.1
4 milkMod Milk Mod Info can be found here
5 carryMod Modifier added by Anti-Gravity Rock
6 vagBellyMod Higher values make your belly more pronounced. Min: 0
7 pregChanceMod Lower values reduce chance, influenced by clothing. Min:-100
8 extraPregChance Increased by Divine Egg and Baby Factory perk.
9 pregTimeMod Not changed in-game, I believed to shorten pregnancy length.
10 enticeMod Increased by clothing and items like Charmed Egg and Pheromone.
11 milkHPMod Increased by Malon's Pendant and [[[Levels#Milk|MilkMaid.
12 vagSizeMod Modifier added by being Equan (2). Min: 0.1
13 vagElastic Default: 1, Increased 0.1 with Egg Jelly, influences "Vag Limit"
14 changeMod Default: 1, +.5 for Human, +.3 with Reception Bell.
15 HPMod Changes max HP, used in negative bonus with clothing.
16 SexPMod Increases worth of SexP. 1=100%, 2=200%, etc.
17 minLust Used to increase min through Heat or Items
18 milkCapacity Bonus Milk Capacity, Increased through levels of MilkMaid
19 Bonus Coin Gain (self explanatory)
20 Hip size how large your hips are
21 Butt size how large your butt is
22 Belly size how large your belly is
23 Cock Moisture how moist your cock is
24 Vagina Moisture how moist your vaginia is
25 lockTail Body part locked from shapeshifty
26 lockFace Body part locked from shapeshifty
27 lockSkin Body part locked from shapeshifty
28 lockBreasts Body part locked from shapeshifty
29 lockEars Body part locked from shapeshifty
30 lockLegs Body part locked from shapeshifty
31 lockNipples Body part locked from shapeshifty
32 lockCock Body part locked from shapeshifty

Something to note about the PregSave is that it equates to one mutli-array per pussy. 0-4 is 1, 5-9 is 2, etc, etc.


# Variable Notes
0 ? T/F - Whether or not you are pregnant
1 ? Pregnant with a species. Min. 0 Max. ??
2 ? Max time on pregnancy; this is the default value per pregnancy. Min. 1
3 ? Current time on pregnancy on current pregnancy or pregnancies Min. 1
4 ? Amount of children per pregnancy Min. 1


# Variable Notes
0 gender 1=male, 2=female, 3=herm
1 race 1=human, 3= wolf, 6=lizan
2 body >Males: 25:Musclebound; between 17 and 25: manly,<11:childish. different for other genders.
3 dominant
4 hips
5 butt
6 tallness Value is equal to height in inches. Min: ??
7 skinType
8 tail
9 ears 1=human, 2=horse, 3=wolf, 4=cat, 5=cow, 6=lizard, 7=rabbit, 8=mouse, 9=bird, 10=pig, 11=skunk, 12=bug
10 hair
11 hairColor
12 hairLength
13 legType
14 wings
15 faceType
16 skinColor


These are values that are used to track your relationships. Edit with EXTREME caution. Probably should leave alone unless you want to reset something (like Lila's Milk/Vulva values).

# Variable Value Notes
0 lilaRep 0-5 Relationship progression? Haven't explored this too much yet.
1 lilaVulva 0-19 Increased by giving her Concentrated Pussy Fruit Juice.
2 lilaMilk 0-19 Increased by giving her Cat's Meow
3 lilaPreg -2-100 -2 is default. -2 through 0 seem to be intimacy level checkpoints.
Once > 1, it increases per hour until 100+, which triggers Birth & returns it to -1.
4 malonRep -1-5 Relationship. -1=Negative; 0=Neutral; 1=Positive;
2=Insecure; 3=Comfortable; 4=Pregnant; 5=Intimate
5 malonPreg 0-216 Timer, in hours, for birth. Rep 4 and >216 triggers birth.
6 malonChildren 0-?? Counter for number of children
7 mistressRep 0-?? Counter for the size of her vulva / number of fruits given.
10+ gives Concentrated Pussy Fruit Juice recipe.
8 jamieRep 0-8 (0 is default, 1-8 states his events are unfinished)
9 jamieSize 4-? Not used yet.
10 jamiePreg Not used yet.
11 silRep -1-5 -1 = Never see her again. 5 = After 4th clutch.
12 silPreg 0-?? Described as "EggP" on Silandrias' page.
13 silRate 0-?? Counter for number of Eggcelerators she's been given
14 silLay 0-10 Counter for calculations related to silTied
15 silGrowthTime 0-360 Pregnancy Clock: 0 resets the clock; 360 triggers pregnancy.
16 silTied T/F Whether she is tied with leather strap or not.
17 lilaUB T/F
18 dairyFarmBrand T/F Whether or not you've been branded by the machine at the Dairy Farm
19 lilaWetness 0-??
20 jamieButt T/F
21 jamieBreasts T/F
22 jamieHair T/F


See itemsave


See itemsave


# Variable Range Notes
0 Strength 1-100 Click for more info
1 Mentality 1-100 Click for more info
2 Libido 1-100 Click for more info
3 Sensitivity 1-100 Click for more info
4 HP 0-100
5 Lust 0-100
6 Coins 0-???
7 strMod ???
8 mentMod ???
9 libMod ???
10 senMod ???
11 hunger -50-???


Most of these should NOT be edited in significant ways. Most are simply trackers to remind the game to turn on/off a function and changing these may not have the desired effects.

  • Example: if you changed Pheromone from 0 to 100 - you'd have 100 hours to find Silandrias, but afterwards your enticeMod would be negative 45!
# Variable Notes
0 pregRate Rate of how quickly pregnancyTime will increase with time. Increased by Reindeer Charm.
1 pregnancyTime Counter for how gravid you are. Influenced by pregRate and time.
Once it exceeds a set value (set at initial pregnancy), birth is triggered.
2 pregStatus Counter for how far pregnancy has progressed. Influenced by PregnancyTime. Range: 0-3
3 eggLaying Default: 1, unless Lizan, then 1. Functionality available in game to have higher values.
4 eggMaxTime Default: 20. If you have >1 egglaying when you hit 40% Lizan Affinity, reduced by 4.
5 eggTime Default: 20. Takes it's value form eggMaxTime every time an egg is laid.
6 eggRate After every event, 2*eggRate is removed from eggTime (normally matches eggceleratorDose value)
7 exhaustion Value that controls sleep requirements. 44+ forces you to sleep. Range: 0-44
8 exhaustionPenalty Tracker for exhaustion, so right value of Str/Ment is restored from rest. Range: 0-2
9 milkEngorgement Engorgement score for breasts. Range: 0-500
10 milkEngorgementLevel Engorgement tracker for breasts. Range: 0-2
11 udderEngorgement Engorgement score for udder. Range: 0-500
12 udderEngorgementLevel Engorgement tracker for udders. Range: 0-2
13 heat Heat score. If increased in-game above 1, will shorten heatMaxTime by 12 hours.
14 heatTime Time remaining for end of heat.
15 heatMaxTime Time between heats? Default is 96, set when Felin Affinity reaches 40%. If set to zero with heat 1 or higher, player goes through an endlessly renewing cycle of heat.
16 lactation Lactation level for breasts in mL. Min. 0
17 udderLactation Lactation level for udder
18 nipplePlay Counter used to increase lactation. See Milk
19 udderPlay Counter used to increase lactation. See Milk
20 blueBalls Counter for how long since last cum
21 teatPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
22 nipPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
23 cockPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
24 clitPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
25 vulvaPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
26 masoPot Remaining dose of Masochism Potion only increase if already positive!
27 sMasoPot Remaining dose of Superior Masochism Potion only increase if already positive!
28 babyFree Remaining dose of Baby Free Potion only increase if already positive!
29 charmTime Remaining dose of Charmed Egg only increase if already positive!
30 pheromone Remaining dose of Pheromone only increase if already positive!
31 eggceleratorTime Set to 30 every time you take an Eggcelerator. Range: 0-30.
32 eggceleratorDose If you exceed 6, your body overreacts and purges the eggs. Range: 0-6
33 bodyOil Remaining dose of Body Oil only increase if already positive!
35 fertgel Remaining dose of Fertile Gel only increase if already positive!
36 snuggliness T/F variable on if you touched the Snuggle Ball that makes you snuggly or not.
38 milksuppres Remaining dose of Milk Suppresant
39 milkSuppressantLact
40 milkSuppressantUdder
41 suppHarness Support Harness equipped/unequipped
42 fertilityStatueCurse Remaining duration of the valley statue lust. (+10 to min. Lust)
43 plumpquat Remaining dose of Plump Quat
44 lilaWetStatus
45 cocksnakeinfestation Time remaining until the Cock Snake exits your womb
46 milkCPoisonNip Remaining dose of Milk C Poison on breasts
47 milkCPoisonUdd Remaining dose of Milk C Poison in udder
48 snakevenom Remaining dose of Co-Snake venom



Old Save Structure

This portion of the save file is split up into 151 (0 to 150) values. These directly correlate to values retained by the game to track your character and events. EDIT WITH CAUTION.

This is a comprehensive list (all 151 variable are listed here - if slightly out of order). With the exception of a little shuffling, the order is primarily how the program pulls the data from the save file. Functionally the variables coordinate with each other, even if there is a jump in numbers, so I left it alone.


Safe to Edit:

# Variable Range Notes
2 Strength 1-100 Click for more info
3 Mentality 1-100 Click for more info
4 Libido 1-100 Click for more info
5 Sensitivity 1-100 Click for more info
7 Lust 0-100
8 Coins 0-???
11 SexP 0-??? Level increases every 100 SexP; ideal way to modify level.
12 levelUP 0-??? Use to add perks without increasing levels.
150 knowPheromone T/F Change to "true" to unlock recipe.

Risky to Edit


These values are mostly used to influence events indirectly and are probably safer to edit then most values… still, back up your data!

# Variable Notes
14 runMod Modifier added by certain clothing.
15 rapeMod Modifier added by certain clothing.
16 cumMod Modifier added by certain clothing.
17 cockSizeMod Modifier added by being Equan (2). Min: 0.1
18 milkMod Milk Mod Info can be found here
19 carryMod Modifier added by Anti-Gravity Rock
20 vagBellyMod Higher values make your belly more pronounced. Min: 0
21 pregChanceMod Lower values reduce chance, influenced by clothing. Min:-100
127 extraPregChance Increased by Divine Egg and Baby Factory perk.
22 pregTimeMod Not changed in-game, I believed to shorten pregnancy length.
23 enticeMod Increased by clothing and items like Charmed Egg and Pheromone.
96 milkHPMod Increased by Malon's Pendant.
97 vagSizeMod Modifier added by being Equan (2). Min: 0.1
98 vagElastic Default: 1, Increased 0.1 with Egg Jelly, influences "Vag Limit"
105 changeMod Default: 1, +.5 for Human, +.3 with Reception Bell.
140 HPMod Changes max HP, used in negative bonus with clothing.
141 SexPMod Increases worth of SexP. 1=100%, 2=200%, etc.
142 minLust Used to increase min through Heat or Items

Character Specific

Most of these influence your own character, your appearance, and how you interact with the world.

24 gender 0 = Neuter; 1 = Male; 2 = Female; 3 = Herm (influenced by anatomy, modify with items)
25 race Your initial race: 1=Human; 2=Equan; 3=Lupan; 4=Felin; 6=Lizan
26 body Overall build - Child=7, Bodybuilder=29, Min. 5, +2 from Body Builder Perk every other level.
27 dominant Current dominant race: 1=human; 2=horse; 3=wolf; 4=cat; 5=cow; 6=lizard; 7=bunny
28 hips More info Min. 1
29 butt More info Min. 1
30 tallness Height measured in inches. Min. 3
31 skinType 1=Skin; 2=Fur; 3=Scales
32 tail Corresponds with race values (2-7).
33 ears Corresponds with race values (1-7).
93 hair Hair style (1-14)
94 hairColor 0=blank; 1=black; 2=blonde; 3=red; 4=brown; 5=coral pink
95 hairLength Values: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. 2 = Short. Correlates with length options in salon.
34 cockTotal Total number of cocks. Min. 0
35 humanCocks Indicates race of cocks. Not sure what happens if it exceeds total.
36 horseCocks Indicates race of cocks. Not sure what happens if it exceeds total.
37 wolfCocks Indicates race of cocks. Not sure what happens if it exceeds total.
38 catCocks Indicates race of cocks. Not sure what happens if it exceeds total.
108 rabbitCocks Indicates race of cocks. Not sure what happens if it exceeds total.
133 lizardCocks Indicates race of cocks. Not sure what happens if it exceeds total.
39 cockSize Cock size, by 1/2 inch. Min. 0
40 cockMoist Precum production. Range: 0-12
41 balls Ball Quantity, Min. 0
42 ballSize Ball Size, Min. 0
43 showBalls T/F - can use items to trigger this for other races. Defaults to this for Lizan.
44 knot T/F - True by default for Lupan, or if Affinity for Lupan reaches 40%
45 breastSize Breast Size by 0.5 inches. Min. 0
46 boobTotal 2, 4, 6 - can be reset/influenced by Affinity
47 nippleSize Nipple size by 0.1 inches. Min. 1
48 udders T/F - normally determined by Cow Affinity
49 udderSize Udder size. Min. 1
50 teatSize Teat size, by 0.2 inches. Min. 2
51 clitSize Clit Size, Min. 0
52 vagTotal Vagina Total, Min. 0
53 vagSize Vagina Depth, Min. 0
54 vagMoist Vaginal fluit, Range: 0-12
55 vulvaSize Vulva Size, Min. 0


These are values that are used to track your relationships. Edit with EXTREME caution. Probably should leave alone unless you want to reset something (like Lila's Milk/Vulva values).

# Variable Value Notes
86 lilaRep 0-5 Relationship progression? Haven't explored this too much yet.
112 lilaVulva 0-19 Increased by giving her Concentrated Pussy Fruit Juice.
113 lilaMilk 0-19 Increased by giving her Cat's Meow
114 lilaPreg -2-100 -2 is default. -2 through 0 seem to be intimacy level checkpoints.
Once > 1, it increases per hour until 100+, which triggers Birth & returns it to -1.
87 malonRep -1-5 Relationship. -1=Negative; 0=Neutral; 1=Positive;
2=Insecure; 3=Comfortable; 4=Pregnant; 5=Intimate
88 malonPreg 0-216 Timer, in hours, for birth. Rep 4 and >216 triggers birth.
89 malonChildren 0-?? Counter for number of children
99 mistressRep 0-?? Counter for the size of her vulva / number of fruits given.
10+ gives Concentrated Pussy Fruit Juice recipe.
115 jamieRep 0-8 (0 is default, 1-8 states his events are unfinished)
116 jamiePrev Not used yet.
117 jamiePreg Not used yet.
144 silRep -1-5 -1 = Never see her again. 5 = After 4th clutch.
145 silPreg 0-?? Described as "EggP" on Silandrias' page.
146 silRate 0-?? Counter for number of Eggcelerators she's been given
147 silLay 0-10 Counter for calculations related to silTied
148 silGrowthTime 0-360 Pregnancy Clock: 0 resets the clock; 360 triggers pregnancy.
149 silTied T/F Whether she is tied with leather strap or not.


Most of these should NOT be edited in significant ways. Most are simply trackers to remind the game to turn on/off a function and changing these may not have the desired effects.

  • Example: if you changed Pheromone from 0 to 100 - you'd have 100 hours to find Silandrias, but afterwards your enticeMod would be negative 45!
# Variable Notes
59 pregRate Rate of how quickly pregnancyTime will increase with time. Increased by Reindeer Charm.
61 pregnancyTime Counter for how gravid you are. Influenced by pregRate and time.
Once it exceeds a set value (set at initial pregnancy), birth is triggered.
62 pregStatus Counter for how far pregnancy has progressed. Influenced by PregnancyTime. Range: 0-3
109 eggLaying Default: 1, unless Lizan, then 1. Functionality available in game to have higher values.
110 eggMaxTime Default: 20. If you have >1 egglaying when you hit 40% Lizan Affinity, reduced by 4.
111 eggTime Default: 20. Takes it's value form eggMaxTime every time an egg is laid.
126 eggRate After every event, 2*eggRate is removed from eggTime (normally matches eggceleratorDose value)
63 exhaustion Value that controls sleep requirements. 44+ forces you to sleep. Range: 0-44
64 exhaustionPenalty Tracker for exhaustion, so right value of Str/Ment is restored from rest. Range: 0-2
65 milkEngorgement Engorgement score for breasts. Range: 0-500
66 milkEngorgementLevel Engorgement tracker for breasts. Range: 0-2
67 udderEngorgement Engorgement score for udder. Range: 0-500
68 udderEngorgementLevel Engorgement tracker for udders. Range: 0-2
69 heat Heat score. If increased in-game above 1, will shorten heatMaxTime by 12 hours.
70 heatTime Time remaining for end of heat.
71 heatMaxTime Time between heats? Default is 96, set when Felin Affinity reaches 40%
72 lactation Lactation level for breasts. Min. 0
60 udderLactation Lactation level for udder
73 nipplePlay Counter used to increase lactation. See Milk
74 udderPlay Counter used to increase lactation. See Milk
75 blueBalls Counter for how long since last cum
76 teatPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
77 nipPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
78 cockPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
79 clitPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
80 vulvaPump Counter for pump usage to trigger permanent growth.
90 masoPot Remaining dose of Masochism Potion only increase if already positive!
91 sMasoPot Remaining dose of Superior Masochism Potion only increase if already positive!
92 babyFree Remaining dose of Baby Free Potion only increase if already positive!
135 charmTime Remaining dose of Charmed Egg only increase if already positive!
136 pheromone Remaining dose of Pheromone only increase if already positive!
137 eggceleratorTime Set to 30 every time you take an Eggcelerator. Range: 0-30.
138 eggceleratorDose If you exceed 6, your body overreacts and purges the eggs. Range: 0-6
139 bodyOil Remaining dose of Body Oil only increase if already positive!

Pointless to Edit

These are value that frequently change as you play the game and have no functional value. Or, changing them could have the opposite effect… for example:

  • Adding Clothing: No bonus would be applied when put on through the editor, but negative bonus would be applied once removed.
  • Affinity: Most of the cool stuff happens as you pass thresholds (i.e. 40%, 20%, etc.) - if you skip a threshold, you could have some very strange results. On the bright side, there seems to be coding support for this possibility (i.e. >1 Heat, >1 EggLaying, Udder at 25% Cow… though I have no idea why >_<)
  • Adding Perks: The bonuses are applied as this value increases. Increasing the value itself is pointless if you want the associated bonuses (exception: Alchemy).
  • Daycare: Who cares? Unless you want to delete your offspring :P
  • Town Found: If you haven't explored all the areas in order to GET the flying carpet, I'll be very surprised!
# Variable Notes
0 currentState 1=Normal/Town; 2=Combat; 3=Masturbation
1 currentZone 1=Softlik; 2=Firmshaft; 3=Tieden; 4=Siz'Calit; 6=Oviasis
6 Health It will reset below Max HP as soon as the game starts.
9 Day Purely cosmetic
10 Hour Purely cosmetic
13 level This will increase your Max HP, but get you none of the perks. Edit SexP instead!
56 attireTop Changes clothing, will not modify stats.
57 attireBot Changes clothing, will not modify stats.
58 weapon Changes weapon, should still influence attack, but better to add item.
81 humanAffinity Affinity - change with items, not here!
82 horseAffinity Affinity - change with items, not here!
83 wolfAffinity Affinity - change with items, not here!
84 catAffinity Affinity - change with items, not here!
85 cowAffinity Affinity - change with items, not here!
106 lizardAffinity Affinity - change with items, not here!
107 rabbitAffinity Affinity - change with items, not here!
143 fourBoobAffinity Editing this one *might* work, as no stats or other elements are involved.
100 babyFactLevel Level Perks - better to edit SexP or LevelUp
101 bodyBuildLevel Level Perks - better to edit SexP or LevelUp
102 hyperHappyLevel Level Perks - better to edit SexP or LevelUp
103 alchemistLevel Level Perks - better to edit SexP or LevelUp
104 currentDayCare Daycare
118 humanChildren Daycare
119 equanChildren Daycare
120 lupanChildren Daycare
121 felinChildren Daycare
122 cowChildren Daycare
123 lizanChildren Daycare
134 lizanEggs Daycare
124 bunnionChildren Daycare
125 wolfPupChildren Daycare
128 foundSoftlik Unlocks region for using the Flying Carpet
129 foundFirmshaft Unlocks region for using the Flying Carpet
130 foundTieden Unlocks region for using the Flying Carpet
131 foundSizCalit Unlocks region for using the Flying Carpet
132 foundOviasis Unlocks region for using the Flying Carpet